


Alerting mechanism - Emails Alerts

Mainnet Alerts

Alert messages are sent through the email Id : Subject : The service ‘service-name’ is terminated for Mainnet network

What to do when I receive an alert?

  • Check whether the daemon end point heartbeats are healthy, and view the daemon logs
  • Restart the daemon, and analyse why the daemon has suspended.
  • Incorporate the post details in the document here as well.

How much time does it take for the service to become healthy on Dapp again?

The platform uses exponential back-off retry to test the health of the service. Each time a health check fails, an email message is sent to Service developer ( progressive delay in the next health check ).

Note: The maximum time a test can take on the health service is 12hrs.

How to configure service metadata to receive alerts ?

Obtain the latest version of snet-cli and run the following command:

snet service metadata-add-contributor <CONTACTNAME> <EMAILID> --metadata-file <MD_FILE>

Your metadata snippet should look like the following:

"contributors": [
               "name": "dummy dummy",
               "email_id": ""

How to I configure the service heartbeat?

  • Refer to the documentation provided.
  • or the service heartbeat implementation, follow the standard health checking protocol as defined in [gRPC Health Checking] ( Protocol link.

Note: The service must use the same proto and implement the heartbeat functionality.

How to check or receive notification about certificate expiration ?

Prior to the expiration of certificate, an email message is sent and a slack alert within 30 days. The email message is sent frequently until the certificate is renewed.

Note This task is performed once in three days.

Mainnet Alerts on Certificates

Alert messages are sent through the email Id : Subject :

certificates are about to expire for service %s for %s network.

Ropsten Alerts on Certificates

Alert messages are sent through the mail id : Subject :

certificates are about to expire for service %s for %s network.

Common Setups


Since there is no direct support for grpc-web(dapp)from nginx, we can make a below hack in the config file of the nginx to work with both grpc-web(dapp) and grpc(sdk,snet-cli) calls. server { listen 1449 ssl http2; server_name domain-name; ssl_certificate pem-file; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate_key key-file; # managed by Certbot include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

location / {
## Any request with the content-type application/grpc+(json|proto|customType) will not enter the
## if condition block and make a grpc_pass while rest of the requests enters into the if block
## and makes a proxy_prass request. Explicitly grpc-web will also enter the if block.
if ($content_type !~ 'application\/grpc(?!-web)(.*)'){
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Content-Transfer-Encoding,Custom-Header-1,X-Accept-Content-Transfer-Encoding,X-Accept-Response-Streaming,X-User-Agent,X-Grpc-Web,content-type,snet-current-block-number,snet-free-call-user-id,snet-payment-channel-signature-bin,snet-payment-type,x-grpc-web';
        add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
        add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain charset=UTF-8';
        add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
    proxy_pass http://reroute_url;
grpc_pass grpc://reroute_url;

The above config works based on the content-type of the request. Whenever the grpc-web(dapp) makes a call to nginx, the content-type would be application/grpc-web and this content-type is not been handled by nginx with grpc_pass. Hence, only those requests with grpc specified content-type application/grpc+(proto|json|customType) works with grpc_pass while rest of the requests will work with proxy_pass.

Setting up your own ETCD cluster

To set up your own ETCD cluster please follow the link

Certificates for ETCD

To renew the ETCD Client Certificates for SNET Organisation:

  • Run the [et]cd-client-certificates-generation]( job.
  • This task generates the client-certificates in this path.

For other Organizations, follow the below steps to regenerate the etcd client certificates.

  • Download the cfssl & cfssljson using the below commands
[curl -s -L -o cfssl] ( 
[curl -s -L -o cfssl] (
  • Copy the ca.pem, ca-key.pem, ca-config.json & client.json that you previously used for generating the etcd certificates.
  • Run the below command to generate the client certificates.

How to deploy an Organization and a Service on Ropsten?

Complete the following steps listed in the document

Common issues with Daemon start

###You need to specify a valid signer address, such as ‘free_call_signer_address’ as part of the curation process to support free calls”

 snet service metadata-set-freecall-signer-address default_group $SIGNERADDRESS --metadata-file $MD_FILE

Specify a valid private key ‘pvt_key_for_metering’ to include during the service publication process.”

When you enable the free calls and Metering, specify the private key to initialize the Daemon Otherwise, the Daemon sends the request to metering, which checks the associated public address mapped in the configuration of that Daemon.

snet service metadata-add-daemon-addresses default_group $DAEMONADDRESS --metadata-file $MD_FILE

Unable to create etcd client

To learn about how to configure the etcd certificate, refer to the document for configuration with example.

Metering authentication failed. Please verify the configuration”

When you enable the free calls and Metering, specify the private key to initialize the Daemon. The Daemon will initialize, only if the configured Pvt key config matches the public Address of the Daemon registered for metering.

Daemon addresses are registered for a given Org, Group id and service id . You need to re-publish the service again with the correct public address . Please use the Following command to do so

snet service metadata-add-daemon-addresses default_group $DAEMONADDRESS --metadata-file $MD_FILE

Common errors returned by the Daemon

Payment signer is not valid for free calls

Check if the port number of your daemon matches exactly to what was deployed on Service metadata.

 snet service metadata-set-freecall-signer-address default_group $SIGNERADDRESS --metadata-file $MD_FILE

Free call limit has been exceeded

You have exceeded the number of permitted free calls. So, calls can now be done only using the paid mode alone

  • End point deployed from Service metadata should be assigned to the same port / domain the daemon is starting.

Rate limiting, too many requests to handle”

The number of request has increased along with the rate limiting, either retry again later or configure your daemon for rate limiting

Unexpected payment type”

The supported payment types are free-call / escrow

ETCD client connection issues, 0x1, 0x4)
        /ext-go/1/src/ +0x3f6

Please re check the etcd end point in organization metadata ,if the end point is valid , please check if you have the correct certificates ( for https connection) on your daemon config


If one (or more) of your components shows these kind of log:


level=warning msg="gRPC handler returned error" error="rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = Received message larger than max (5937252 vs. 4194304)"

SNET-CLI and/or your service’s gRPC server:

Error: <_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED
	details = "Received message larger than max (5937252 vs. 4194304)"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1585584826.407968689","description":"Received message larger than max (5937252 vs. 4194304)","file":"src/core/ext/filters/message_size/","file_line":191,"grpc_status":8}"

Then you need to increase the MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE of the gRPC components, first set it in your Daemon by adding this key to its snetd.config.json:

"max_message_size_in_mb": 10,

Note: You can find out more about this key here.

Next step is to increase the message size in your service’s gRPC server:

server : = grpc.NewServer(
        grpc.MaxSendMsgSize(10 * 1024 * 1024),
        grpc.MaxRecvMsgSize(10 * 1024 * 1024),
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers), options=[
        ('grpc.max_send_message_length', 10 * 1024 * 1024),
        ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', 10 * 1024 * 1024)])

A practical python example can be found here.

Common Daemon warnings (in the logs)

“Unable to publish metrics”

If you make calls using SDK / snet-cli, the issue is resolved once if the daemon supports metering.

Invalid hex address specified/missing for ‘authentication_address’ in configuration , you cannot make remote update to current configurations”

Ignore: This was more towards the operator UI use case, need modification in the next release.

msg=”error determining current block” error=”403 Forbidden

Add the the following link:

"ethereum_json_rpc_endpoint": "" 

In your daemon configuration. Ideally you should have your own project Id on infura.

How do I set up a new host ?

Typically you will need to do the below

  • Domain Name
  • GPU/Without GPU
  • RAM Required
  • HD Required
  • Ports for public access
  • Public Key to setup the user
  • Certificates for HTTPS

How do I get the latest version of Daemon

All latest released versions of Daemon are available here

  • Download the latest
  • untar

You need to manually configure the path to refer to this binary.

How do I get the latest version of snet-Client

pip install --upgrade snet-cli  

Note: manually configure the path to refer to this binary.

When there is proto change?

Ensure that you re deploy the service with the latest proto

snet service metadata-init --metadata-file $MD_FILE `pwd`/$YOURGITREPONAME/$PATHFORSERVICESPEC "$DISPLAYNAME" --encoding proto --service-type grpc --group-name default_group

Also make sure your stubs are updated on the Dapp Components


My Service is not visible on Dapp

  • Ensure the services have been published on the network for testing

    After curation, the service becomes available on Dapp

  • Keep the below links for reference

    Dapp for Ropsten:

    Dapp for Mainnet:

How to make a call from the DAPP

  • Open the respective service’s page.
  • In the Service Demo section, you will notice the Free calls pending count, provided you have already logged in to the system.
  • Click on the RUN FOR FREE button. (If your free calls are exhausted, you will find options to create a wallet or to use your existing MetaMask wallet )

    You will be taken to the service’s input screen.

  • Fill in the necessary details.
  • Click on INVOKE.

Note: Don’t close the application, until the results are displayed on the same screen after service execution.

Where do I see the components I can reuse on Dapp

  • Check for the reusable components code here => snet-dapp-monorepo/packages/shared/src/components.
  • You could also run yarn storybook to view the demo of the components.
  • While importing, import the components from => snet-dapp-monorepo/packages/dist/components.

How do I raise a Pull request for DApp

  • Raise pull requests using “snet-dapp-monorepo/development”.
  • After merging in the development. It will be deployed to the ropsten network:

When does my Pull request gets merged to Master

  • If your changes are seen in ropsten.

    Inform the concerned authority to merge the changes from development to master. This is then deployed to Mainnet network:

Whom and How do I reach out for help/Support

Use the email for any questions / issues related to the platform.

Last modified on : 10-Jul-24

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