Integrating training in service



The AI developer needs to implement 3 methods for daemon training.proto. There will be no cost borne by the consumer in calling these methods, pricing will apply when you actually call the training methods defined. AI consumer will call all these methods:

rpc create_model(CreateModelRequest) returns (ModelDetailsResponse)
rpc delete_model(UpdateModelRequest) returns (ModelDetailsResponse) 
rpc get_model_status(ModelDetailsRequest) returns (ModelDetailsResponse)

Daemon will implement, however the AI developer should skip implementing these:

rpc update_model_access(UpdateModelRequest) returns (ModelDetailsResponse)
rpc get_all_models(AccessibleModelsRequest) returns (AccessibleModelsResponse)


The scheme of the daemon's work with training methods


  • Only service type grpc support training;
  • You can’t change training.proto file.

Step by step

  1. Write your service proto file with training methods. You should mark training methods with trainingMethodIndicator from training.proto (import it):

     syntax = "proto3";
     import "training.proto";
     package example_service;
     message ExampleInput { 
      string TrainingDatasetURL = 1;
     message ExampleResponse { 
      bool IsSuccess = 1;
     service ExampleTrainingService { 
      rpc train_method(ExampleInput) returns (ExampleResponse) { 
         option (training.my_method_option).trainingMethodIndicator = "true";

    Also you can import and use pricing.proto (more detailed about pricing):

     option (pricing.my_method_option).estimatePriceMethod = "/example_service.Calculator/dynamic_pricing_add";
  2. Generate gRPC code for your programming language. For example, we will use Python.

    Install grpc tools for python:

     pip3 install grpc
     pip3 install grpcio-tools

    Then generate pb files for training.proto and for your service.proto:

     python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --pyi_out=. --grpc_python_out=. training.proto
     python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --pyi_out=. --grpc_python_out=. service.proto
  3. Implement and write server logic for model methods. Example:

     import training_pb2
     import training_pb2_grpc
     import time
     import grpc
     from concurrent import futures
     import argparse
     _ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
     parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, default="", help="host")
     parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=5001, help="port")
     args = parser.parse_args()
     class ExampleService(training_pb2_grpc.ModelServicer):
         """Provides methods that implement functionality of route guide server."""
         def __init__(self):
         def create_model(self, request, context):
             # your logic
             # model_id = generate_model_ID()
             print("creating model...")
             model_id = "100"
             details = training_pb2.ModelDetails()
             details.model_id = model_id
             return training_pb2.ModelDetailsResponse(
         def delete_model(self, request, context):
             # your logic
             # TODO
             return training_pb2.ModelDetailsResponse(
         def get_model_status(self, request, context):
             # your logic
             # TODO
             return training_pb2.ModelDetailsResponse(
     def serve():
         server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
             ExampleService(), server
         server.add_insecure_port("{}:{}".format(, args.port))
         print("Server started")
             while True:
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
     if __name__ == "__main__":
  4. Then implement your service proto and run service.

  5. Prepare daemon config and run daemon:

    model_maintenance_endpoint — this is for gRPC server endpoint for Model Maintenance like create_model, delete_model, get_model_status (example in 3 point);

    model_training_endpoint — this is for gRPC server endpoint for your training methods;

    model_training_enabled — need to be true for training.

    But you can use one endpoint for all configs (model_maintenance_endpoint, model_training_endpoint, passthrough_endpoint).

    Notice: If in config enable_dynamic_pricing is True and method is training (trainingMethodIndicator = “true”) request will go through model_training_endpoint instead of passthrough_endpoint.

  6. Test and call model methods via SDK:

     from snet.sdk import SnetSDK
     import test_pb2_grpc # your service pb file
     from import training
     org_id = "" # TODO
     service_id = ""  # TODO
     group_name = "default_groups"
     config = {
         "private_key": "",  # TODO
         "eth_rpc_endpoint": "",  # TODO
     snet_sdk = SnetSDK(config)
     service_client = snet_sdk.create_service_client(org_id, service_id, test_pb2_grpc.CalculatorStub, group_name)
     tr = training.TrainingModel()
     resp = tr.create_model(service_client, grpc_method_name="/example_service.Calculator/train_add",
                            model_name="test_model", is_publicly_accessible=True,
                            training_data_link="<>", description="my model")
     print("create_model: ", resp)
     model_id = resp.model_details.model_id
     print("new model id: ", model_id)
     resp = tr.get_model_status(service_client, grpc_method_name="/example_service.Calculator/train_add",
     print("get_model_status: ", resp)
     print("get_all_models: ", tr.get_all_models(service_client, grpc_service_name='service_name',
     resp = tr.update_model_access(service_client, grpc_method_name="/example_service.Calculator/train_add",
                                   model_name="model_name", model_id=model_id, is_public=True,
                                   description='new description')
     print("delete model: ", resp)
     resp = tr.get_model_status(service_client, grpc_method_name="/example_service.Calculator/train_add",
     print("model status: ", resp)
     print("from model status: ", resp.model_details.model_id)
     resp = tr.delete_model(service_client, grpc_method_name="/example_service.Calculator/train_add",
     print("delete model: ", resp)
     resp = tr.get_model_status(service_client, grpc_method_name="/example_service.Calculator/train_add",
     print("model status: ", resp)
     print("from model status: ", resp.model_details.model_id)

Last modified on : 10-Jul-24

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