Daemon Setup


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SSL Configuration

The SingularityNet Daemon is designed to be deployed as a sidecar proxy alongside the service on a given host. All communication to the daemon needs to be secured using SSL and can be achieved in the following ways

  • Set up the daemon behind an nginx server
  • Use SSL certificates. This guide walks thru the process of obtaining SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt


The daemon needs to be configured for it to work with the corresponding AI service. For a detailed list of configurations available , please check here

 "daemon_end_point": "",
 "ipfs_end_point": "http://ipfs.singularitynet.io:80",
 "passthrough_enabled": true,
 "passthrough_endpoint": "http://localhost:3000",
 "organization_id": "yourorganization",
 "service_id": "yourserviceid",
 "payment_channel_cert_path": "/home/adminuser/Downloads/ca.pem",
 "payment_channel_ca_path": "/home/adminuser/Downloads/ca.pem",
 "payment_channel_key_path": "/home/adminuser/Downloads/client-key.pem",
 "blockchain_network_selected": "ropsten",
 "ethereum_json_rpc_endpoint": "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/<YourRegisterdinfuraiID>"

You could also build a default configuration for Daemon by

$ ./build/snetd-linux-amd64 init 

Key Configurations

  • blockchain_network_selected
    Should be main for production use. Other supported values are kovan,ropsten or local which are to be used for testing only
     "blockchain_network_selected": "main",
  • ssl_cert and ssl_key
    If you are using your own certificates (or from Let’s Encrypt as described here) add the following two entries to the daemon config
     "ssl_cert": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<daemon_domain>/fullchain.pem",
     "ssl_key": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<daemon_domain>/privkey.pem",
  • passthrough_endpoint
    This is the AI service end point to which the daemon will proxy all requests.
     "passthrough_endpoint": "http://localhost:3000",
  • daemon_end_point
    This is the endpoint on which the daemon listens for requests and should be in the <host>:<port> format. This address should be publically accessible
     "daemon_end_point": "",
  • organization_id
    ID of the organization (as set up on the SingularityNet platform) that this daemon belongs to.
     "organization_id": "snet",
  • service_id
    ID of the service (as set up on the SingularityNet platform) that this daemon is proxys requests for. The daemon will fetch configuration from the SingularityNet platform based on the organization_id and service_id
     "service_id": "example-service",

The daemon configuration page has all the available configurations

Start Daemon

./snetd-linux-amd64 --config <config_file_name>

Last modified on : 10-Jul-24

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