In this OpenCog intro you will find some simple examples to work with OpenCog.
The demo requires docker and 64-bit OS and about 6GB of storage for the docker image and data.
To run the demo, clone this repository as follows:
git clone
To load tar image:
docker load -i demo-opencog.tar
To build docker image instead run:
docker build docker -t demo-opencog
To start docker with simple examples notebook:
docker run -p8888:8888 -it demo-opencog /home/relex/opencog-intro-master/
If the notebook is successully started you should be able to open it at localhost:8888 password for notebook is password.
Fetch data for the VQA demo(on host, not inside a container):
tar -xvf data-small.tar.gz
To start VQA demo:
docker run -p8889:8888 -v `pwd`/data:/home/relex/projects/data -it demo-opencog /home/relex/projects/semantic-vision-1/experiments/opencog/pattern_matcher_vqa/vqa
If the notebook is successully started you should be able to open it at localhost:8889 password for notebook is password
Please proceed to open the interface-images-demo notebook and continue instructions there.
Last modified on : 04-Sep-24