

Organization Metadata

The organization metadata is the description of a SingularityNET Organization and is, by default, hosted on the SingularityNET IPFS cluster. In order to use a service, the client needs to know the following:

  • The Organization metadata
  • The Service metadata

There are three ways of providing this metadata to the clients and the daemons:

  • Simple JSON file
  • IPFS hash that points to the JSON metadata
  • Name of service in the Registry

    The Name of service in the Registry, can be resolved to an IPFS hash, pointing to the metadata, using the Registry’s OrgMetadataURI method. Note: Only the Owner of the Organization can modify the metadata. Important: Client must check that the hash of the metadata corresponds to the IPFS hash. Otherwise, If the IPFS client is compromised, the client system can become vulnerable to attack Note: By default, the snet-cli adheres to this verification.

Description of Fields in metadata file

The following is the list of filed types and their description. type : Describes of this is an Individual or a Company organization contacts : Stores the contacts related to an Organization , you can have multiple contacts contact_type : Describes the contact type , example support etc; email_id : Email associated with this contact phone : Phone number associated with this contact assets : used to refer to the image associated with an Organization. Image is uploaded on to ipfs and referenced here. groups : Multiple groups can be associated with an organization, one payment type is associated with every group. payment_address : Address of the Service provider who would receive the payment payment_channel_storage_type : Type of storage to manage payments ( For Example ETCD ) endpoints : Storage end points for the clients to connect.

Metadata example

"org_name": "snet",
"org_id": "snet", 

 "type": "individual",
    "contacts": [
            "contact_type": "support",
            "email_id": "",
            "phone": "1234567890"
            "contact_type": "contact-us",
            "email_id": "",
            "phone": "1234567890"
    "description": {
        "description": "Describe your organization details here ",
        "short_description": "This is short description of your organization",
        "url": "https://anyurlofyourorganization"
    "assets": {
        "hero_image": "QmNW2jjz11enwbRrF1mJ2LdaQPeZVEtmKU8Uq7kpEkmXCc/hero_orgImage.png"
"groups": [
    "group_name": "default_group",
    "group_id": "EoFmN3nvaXpf6ew8jJbIPVghE5NXfYupFF7PkRmVyGQ=",
    "payment": {
        "payment_address": "0xd1C9246f6A15A86bae293a3E72F28C57Da6e1dCD",
        "payment_expiration_threshold": 100,
        "payment_channel_storage_type": "etcd",
        "payment_channel_storage_client": {
            "connection_timeout": "100s",
            "request_timeout": "5s",
            "endpoints": [

This metadata file can be directly edited before publishing to IPFS, or manipulated by snet-cli through service subcommands that have the metadata-* prefix.

Last modified on : 10-Jul-24

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